On May 29th 2014, the PHP group has released PHP 5.4.29. 16 bugs were fixed in this release, including two security issues in fileinfo extension. All PHP 5.4 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
The corresponding packages are now available on Dotdeb :
- for Debian 7 “Wheezy” and Debian 6 “Squeeze”,
- on both amd64 and i386 architectures.
The following modules have been packaged too :
- APC 3.1.13
- apcu 4.0.4
- ffmpeg 0.6.0 (Squeeze only)
- gearman 0.8.3
- geoip 1.0.8
- imagick 3.1.2
- memcache 3.0.8
- memcached 2.2.0
- mongo 1.5.3
- pecl_http 1.7.6
- pinba (master)
- redis 2.2.5
- spplus 1.1
- ssh2 0.12
- xcache 3.1.0
- xdebug 2.2.5
- xhprof 0.9.4
- zendopcache 7.0.3
Please also note that the default permissions on the FPM Unix socket have been fixed, in a secure way.
As usual, please read the ChangeLog before upgrading and be sure to use to the latest packages before reporting any issue.
And if you find Dotdeb useful, feel free to show your support.
8 replies on “PHP 5.4.29, for Wheezy and Squeeze”
Great, thank you for including the software versions!
Has php5-curl been complied to use OpenSSL rather than GnuTLS in this release to fix the GnuTLS recv errors?
@Ben : yes
Thank you for the update and all your efforts! 🙂
Hi Guillaume and thank you for your work.
I’ve upgraded PHP to dotdeb 5.4.29, but it breaks some librairies (doctrine2 extensions). Is there a way to downgrade to 5.4.28 using archives.dotdeb.org ?
@Etienne : archives.dotdeb.org n’est pas un dépôt, tu devras télécharger les paquets dont tu as besoin à la main et jouer du “dpkg -i”
Ok merci ! 🙂
It seems there is problem with latest update:
PHP Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50537 Library:50619 in test.php on line 105
PHP module differs from library of mysql installed