
Redis updated to version 2.2.2

Dotdeb packages of Redis for Debian 6.0 “Squeeze” have been updated to version 2.2.2.

Here are the release notes.

10 replies on “Redis updated to version 2.2.2”

Hi Guillaume, I recently had a talk with Nicolas Favre-Félix and he implemented a new function in phpredis 2.2.1 on my request: a custom Prefix for session keys – which allows to differentiate sessions between multiple websites on one (physical) host.

See this issue on github:

Could you package Version 2.1.1?

From what I can see in /etc/init.d/redis-server, it simply calls start-stop-daemon to stop the server. I think it is not safe because Redis flushes the in-memory data at a certain cycles with the default snapshot mode and could lose data up to recent 15 minutes.

To safely shutdown the server (stop accepting new connections / requests and flush all volatile data to disk), you need to call “redis-cli SHUTDOWN”, which is what I had in my init script before moving over to dotdeb.

I might be missing something but could you double-check? Thanks for your great work!

I think your versioning system is wrong.

You based your work on my 2:2.2.1-1 by uploading 2:2.2.1-0.dotdeb.1, but this is actually going in reverse! As you are simply rebuilding it makes more sense to use the ~blah operator so that the official Debian package would take priority (eg. 2:2.2.1-1~dotdeb.1).

Then you uploaded a new upstream release (2:2.2.2-0.dotdeb.1) which really should be
2:2.2.2-1~dotdeb.1 so that the package in sid takes priority.


@lamby : thanks for this comment and for your work, I’ll take care about the versioning in the next releases.

Dotdeb provides packages for Squeeze, but I can’t ensure people are not using it on Sid. Then, sorry for the mess.

Sorry for my previous comments, I’ve confirmed that the init script works just fine, saving the entire data upon stop.

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