Maatkit is one of the great Open Source tools (among Percona Server, Xtrabackup and so on…) published by Percona. It’s a collection of utilities that help MySQL DBAs in many redundant, complex or boring tasks. For example :
- mk-query-digest that outputs a digest of the queries from a slow-query logfile or from a running MySQL server,
- mk-slave-delay that could help you to keep a copy of your databases while rolling back a new version of your application,
- mk-parallel-dump and mk-parallel-restore to speed up your dump/load processes,
- mk-table-checksum that checks the consistency of your MySQL slave,
- …
If you’re a MySQL DBA that runs Debian servers, you really should install the new Maatkit packages from Dotdeb and read its documentation. There is a tool that will help you on your daily usage of MySQL, for sure!
2 replies on “MySQL DBA, Maatkit is good for you!”
[…] l’administration de MySQL, vous trouverez Maatkit, un outil développé par Percona pour effectuer des tâches répétitives ou complexes. De même, […]
[…] l ’administration de MySQL, vous trouverez Maatkit, un outil développé par Percona pour effectuer des tâches répétitives ou complexes. De même, […]