MySQL 5.1.40 is now available on Dotdeb for Debian 5.0 “Lenny” / Debian 4.0 “Etch” in amd64/i386 flavours.
As usual, this maintenance release fixes a lot of bugs (please read the Changelog for more details).
Please note that the packaging is a little bit different from the official Debian packaging, to include the InnoDB plugin in the mysql-server-5.1 package instead of in the libmysqlclient-dev one. This plugin replaces the built-in InnoDB support and has many advantages :
- fast index creation,
- data compression,
- new row formats,
- new file formats,
- performance and scalability enhancements…
You can easily enable it by uncommenting to lines in the /etc/mysql/my.cnf configuration file and then restart your MySQL server :
Please read carefully the InnoDB plugin documentation and backup your data before activating this beta quality feature!
8 replies on “MySQL 5.1.40 is available for Debian “Lenny” and “Etch” with InnoDB-plugin support”
Just updated a running 5.1.39 test machine with the libmysqlclient-dev. Remember to UNINSTALL libmysqlclient-dev before updating to 5.1.40 otherwise it will conflict (due to being present in both packages).
Apart from this, it updated flawlessly.
careful – data loss appears to have occurred with the update
let me take that back the .40 data loss back –
the problem appeared as data loss as some miraculous switching of data directories between .39 and .40 occured. That is mysql appears to have worked in its default directory for an extended period of time instead of the non-default data dir defined in my.cnf. Updating seems to have triggered a latent bug or other environment-specific problem to it having been in the default dir, the db restart due to .40 started the db in its non-default directory. mysql control is purely and unchanged over releases over /etc/init.d/mysql . I can narrow the time but can not tell exactly when the switch from custom to default data dir occurred.
pls. disregard the comments svn-ed my.cnf showed the default dir in the directory stanza. This is NOT a mysql problem.
Upgrade fails with:
cp: Überschreiben des Verzeichnisses „/var/lib/mysql-upgrade/“ mit Nicht‐Verzeichnis nicht möglich.
dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.1_5.1.40-0.dotdeb.1_i386.deb (–unpack):
Unterprozess pre-installation script gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück
There seems to be an issue with those packages :
# dpkg -l | grep mysql :
ii libmysqlclient15off 5.0.51a-24+lenny2 MySQL database client library
ii libmysqlclient16 5.1.41-1.dotdeb.1 MySQL database client library
ii mysql-client-5.1 5.1.41-1.dotdeb.1 MySQL database client binaries
ii mysql-common 5.1.41-1.dotdeb.1 MySQL database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf)
rc mysql-server-5.0 5.0.51a-24+lenny2 MySQL database server binaries
ii mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-1.dotdeb.1 MySQL database server binaries
ii php5-mysql 5.2.11-0.dotdeb.1 MySQL module for php5
libmysqlclient15off can’t be uninstalled (bundled with apache2 in lenny)
libmysqlclient16 doesn’t seem to take over as it should be as I get the following message in phpmyamdin :
“La version de votre bibliothèque MySQL (5.0.51a) diffère de la version de votre serveur MySQL (5.1.41). Ceci peut occasionner un comportement imprévisible.” (sorry it’s in French but it says it’s using libmysqlclient15off instead of libmysqlclient16).
Moreover, connecting to the MySQL server via MySQL Administrator no longer works.
The rest works OK but I’m not risking any stability issue. I’ll stick to version 5.051 for now.
@Fabien Viry : A blog post about the MySQL 5.1.41 is on its way.
About your problem : it’s ok to have both libmysqlclient15off and libmysqlclient16 on your system. The first is needed by the regular Debian packages. The second is needed by mysql-server-5.1.
The PHPMyAdmin message is just an annoying warning that you should ignore (I had a lot of comments about it, but no real issue).
About your MySQL Administrator issue, please contact me with more info : gui_at_php_dot_net
Thanks a lot!
Successfully installed on ubuntu 8.04, in place of 5.0.51a.