
PHP 5.2.7 updated because magic_quotes_gpc is broken

Stefan Esser has posted a warning about upgrading PHP to the 5.2.7 release :

(…)a change in the ext/filter extension that by default processes all incoming data, broke the magic_quotes_gpc feature. While magic_quotes_gpc itself is deprecated and it is recommended to not rely on it as protection against SQL injection, it is still used in many legacy applications that become very insecure once it is turned off. And exactly that happens with the upgrade to PHP 5.2.7. The fix for this was already commited to the PHP CVS and PHP 5.2.8 will be released next week.

I just fixed this issue in the Dotdeb packages, just upgrade your servers.


PHP 5.2.7 available

From :

The PHP development team would like to announce the immediateavailability of PHP 5.2.7. This release focuses on improving the stability ofthe PHP 5.2.x branch with over 120 bug fixes, several of which are security related.All users of PHP are encouraged to upgrade to this release.
Further details about the PHP 5.2.7 release can be found in the release announcement for 5.2.7, the full list of changes is available in the ChangeLog for PHP 5.

PHP 5.2.7 is now available on Dotdeb for Etch (amd64/i386) and there’s a great news : libapache2-mod-php5 is now compatible with apache2-mpm-itk.


MySQL 5.1.30 GA available on Dotdeb

MySQL, the most popular open source database, releases on November 27, 2008, its version 5.1 GA (General Availability). It is now available on Dotdeb for Etch (amd64/i386)!

Version 5.1 introduces several enhancements to the already rich set of features. Most notable are partitioningrow based replication, the event scheduler, a new plugin infrastructure, and logs on demand.

There are more new features, but the general improvement is better performance and manageability. Many users have already adopted MySQL 5.1 in production. Their feedback has been reported in the MySQL technical articles. Check them out. MySQL 5.1 is ready for prime time!


Vpopmail 5.4.25 updated

The Vpopmail 5.4.25 packages has been updated to fix a problem with passwords longer than 8 characters.

The /etc/init.d/vpopmail script has been updated to launch simultaneously :

  • the (enabled by default) POP3 server
  • the (disabled by default) POP3-SSL server
  • the (disabled by default) Vpopmaild server

depending on the settings in /etc/vpopmail/options.


Qmailadmin 1.2.11 updated

I just updated Qmailadmin 1.2.11 for Etch amd64/i386 to include some changes :

  • instead of a checkbox to enable/disable spam filtering on pop accounts, there is now a list to chose what to do (no filtering, marking spams, deleting spams, learn spam, learn ham). This allow anyone to easily train your bayesian filters.
  • Spamassassin is now recommanded and will replace bogofilter in a near future
  • Clamassassin replaces due to performance issues. Please DO update the /etc/procmailrc-* files during the upgrade to ensure virus are scanned.

Vpopmail 5.4.25 is now packaged

Vpopmail 5.4.25 has been packaged for Etch amd64/i386 to fix some annoying bugs. It’s safe and recommanded to upgrade your servers to this version.

For more information, read the official Changelog.


MySQL 5.0.67 available

Norbert Tretkowski recently worked on packaging MySQL 5.0.67, the latest Community Edition release of MySQL Server. But, since the next Debian version – Lenny – is already frozen, the packages were not uploaded to the official archive.

Instead of that, I rebuilt them and made them available on Dotdeb for Etch amd64/i386.

Please take a look at the official Changelog before upgrading and thank Norbert for his good work.


PHP 4.4.9 available

On August 7th, the PHP Group has published the last version of PHP4, numbered 4.4.9 :

It continues to improve the security and the stability of the 4.4 branch and all users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to it as soon as possible. This release wraps up all the outstanding patches for the PHP 4.4 series, and is therefore the last PHP 4.4 release.

On August 22nd, Stefan Esser released the appropriate Suhosin patch, allowing me to package PHP 4.4.9 for Debian Etch amd64/i386 (Sarge support is now discontinued).

Take a look at the PHP4 Changelog before upgrading.