
MySQL 5.0.84 for Debian 4.0 “Etch”, remote DoS under review

Some days after MySQL 5.0.83 has been released, MySQL 5.0.84 is now available on Dotdeb for Etch amd64/i386.

Please note that an advisory about a remote DoS for MySQL <5.0.84 is under review : CVE-2009-2446. Therefore, upgrading to this new version is strongly recommanded.

As usual, please read the list of changes before upgrading.


MySQL 5.0.83 for Debian 4.0 “Etch”

MySQL 5.0.83 is now available on Dotdeb for Etch amd64/i386.

Please read the list of changes of this maintenance release before upgrading.


MySQL 5.0.81 is now available (for Etch only)

On May 1st, MySQL 5.0.81 has been published with a lot of bugfixes.

If you’re still using Etch, the corresponding packages are now available for i386 and amd64.