
Redis 2.4.7

Redis 2.4.7 has been released with these changes :

  • [BUGFIX] Fixed false positive in issue #141 regression test.
  • [BUGFIX] Slave should not expire keys when loading an RDB after a SYNC.
  • [BUGFIX] Don’t increment stats for key misses / hits when key is written.
  • [BUGFIX] sds.c library now don’t allocate more than 1MB ahead.
  • 32 bit instances without a maxmemory set now get a default limit of 3.5GB with maxmemory-policy set to noeviction.
  • Better crash report on crash (containing current client and command arguments).

The packages of Redis 2.4.7 are now available for Debian 6.0 “Squeeze” on both amd64 and i386 architectures.